Focus on quality – EFQM excellence certification in the Eötvös Loránd University Library Ser-vice
In 2020, the ELTE University Library Service (ULS) became the first library in Hungary which was awarded the EFQM ̏Commitment to Excellence˝ certificate. This paper briefly describes the organization of EFQM, the quality assessment model and the recognition system developed. The authors present the application of ULS, describe the issues and results of self-assessment, and summarize the objectives and findings of the three development projects implemented under the application. The article briefly describes the most important changes to the EFQM Model 2020, which was introduced from 2021 and was significantly revised in terms of both content and design. With the introduction of the new model, the recognition system has also been renewed, which has had an impact on the development of the National Excellence Award and the National Excellence Recognition Scheme, which was relaunched in 2021