Seven years in the Hungarian Library Institute


  • Katalin Bánkeszi
    Könyvtári Intézet, ny. igazgató


Having filled in a number of leading posts at other institutions (the Neumann House, National Széchényi Library, MOKKA) the author joined HLI in 2011 for a term of five years. 2012 was a difficult year for public collections, and HLI, too, was severely hit by restrictions: its basic, special and ad hoc tasks had to be fulfilled with a staff whose number was reduced by 50%.

The review of activities covers the following fields: 1) operative support programmes (HLI participated in these long-term EU programmes both as an applicant and a supporter of applying libraries), 2) support to the further education of Hungarian librarians in the neighbouring countries, 3) elaboration of electronic teaching materials and e-learning developments, planning of a distance education framework, 4) organization of the 7th Meeting of Hungarian Librarians in the World in 2013, in co-operation with the Library of the Hungarian Parliament, 5) participation in the strategic planning for librarianship in the cycle starting in 2013, 6) co-operation with some e-publishers who undertook the provision of their e-books (bibliographic work and information services), 7) construction of the Directory of Hungarian Libraries, using data collected earlier, 8) participation in development programmes for libraries, public education and museums (Active communities, Museum and library developments for all) in co-operation with partners.


Distance education, Electronic books, Electronic learning materials, Grants for libraries, Hungarian librarians in neighbouring countries, Library directory, Library institute, Library of the Hungarian Parliament, LIS database, National library, Publishing and book trade, Registry

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