Achievements of two decades in the further training of Hungarian librarians living in the neighbouring countries – the Further Training Network of Hungarian Librarians in the Carpathian Basin


  • Ágnes Hangodi
    Könyvtári Intézet, osztályvezető


As prescribed by law, HLI provides professional support to the education and further training of Hungarian librarians living in the neighbouring countries in their mother tongue. In the last twenty years, based on a development concept, HLI provided further training courses for these librarians on various current topics, based on co-operation agreements with the dedicated training centres in the relevant countries, with funding from the National Cultural Fund (NKA) and grants from the Ministry of Culture. HLI is responsible for organizing these courses, while its partners in the relevant countries invite participants. The successful completion of training events is acknowledged by a certificate. In the past two decades, dedicated training centres were chosen, new locations and new target groups of participants were identified in almost all neighbouring countries, partnerships have been extended and the number of instructors invited to hold courses increased.


Curriculum, Education for librarianship, Further training, Hungarian librarians in neighbouring countries, Library school, Carpathian Basin

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