Green library in a green city


  • Anna Istók
    Gödöllői Városi Könyvtár és Információs Központ, igazgatóhelyettes
  • Gabriella Tóth
    Gödöllői Városi Könyvtár és Információs Központ, munkatárs


The authors are seeking ways how a public library can design and implement a green approach in its daily operation. The United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030) has designated 17 sustainable development goals. To support his initiative, IFLA launched an International Advocacy Programme (IAP) in 2016. It aims to promote and support the role of libraries in the design and implementation of SDGs, among others to raise awareness among library staff about sustainable development goals. Environmental protection and the library are seemingly distant concepts. If we start from the basic mission of libraries, however, it turns out that the green approach is in fact one of the main building blocks in the activities of these institutions. The article presents the activities of the Gödöllő City Library, which are also supported by quality management tools, from the new library building through the Green Library Strategy to specific programmes and actions during which a real community is being built. This is how the green approach is implemented in practice, in line with international trends and professional efforts.


City library, Green approach, IFLA, Quality management, Sustainable development, Gödöllő, Hungary

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