Web archive – online future


  • Csaba Latorcai
    Emberi Erőforrások Minisztériuma, közigazgatási államtitkár


On 23–24 November 2021, a conference and work­shop titled “404 Not Found – Who preserves the Internet?“ organized by the National Széchényi Li­brary was inaugurated by Csaba Latorcai, Perma­nent Secretary of the Ministry of Human Resources. In his study he states that one of the most compre­hensive local and global challenges facing 21st century societies is digital transition. The importance and cross-cutting nature of this process was expe­rienced by everyone at the outbreak of the Covid19 pandemic, with an almost overnight shift to online education, teleworking, online shopping, remote administration and digital consumption of culture. Such a radical change in everyday life, as well as in social and economic processes, required the coex­istence of several factors: an extensive broadband network, modern and accessible IT tools, advanced electronic services and an adequate level of digital literacy of citizens. The author reviews the national programs launched by the Government of Hungary since 2015, partly intended for the general public, partly for the field of long-term preservation of cultur­al goods including those born digitally. The legal en­vironment established for creating the conditions of mass digitisation and the necessary financial back­ground ensure the leading and coordinating role of the National Széchényi Library, which is appointed responsible for the task. Within the scope of its ac­tivity, the National Library also performs the legal tasks related to web archiving, with the independent Web Archiving Department, established in 2020, al­ready operationally performing quarterly harvests of selected websites and semi-annual harvests of the webspace address list. The author also emphasises the importance of participating in the work of world organisations, as well as the role of domestic and regional cooperation, which is also crucial in terms of sustainability.


Digital transition, International conference, Legislation, National library, Strategy, Web archiving, Hungary

Published Online



