Ecological issues around research data


  • Tibor Koltay
    Eszterházy Károly Egyetem, Tudástechnológiai Intézet, ny. intézetigazgató


Research data are growingly becoming part of an information ecosystem that emphasises broad and often overlapping themes, also touching on civic data and on research information. Accordingly, issues such as open science and open data, data
reproducibility, misinterpretation and misuse are addressed. Distinguished attention is given to the fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) does not only require data management plans for the projects it supports, but it will also expect them to include information on data sharing. The study underlines the importance of the FAIR principles as well. We also touch on the Data Champions initiative and the related (so far pilot) activities in Hungary, as well as the Love Data Week. Although it is not definetely part of librarianship yet, some of the characteristics of data donation are also described.


Data management, FAIR principles, Open data, Open science, Research data

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